Sunday, October 28, 2012

This Week at a Glance Oct29-Nov 2

Language Arts: focus on the letter "Tt" and the comprehension skill of classify and categorize

Writing: Nouns: naming words, places and things. Also, generating ideas for writing a story

Math: Creating and identifying patterns; colors, shapes, sizes

Social Studies: Discussing and identifying our country's and state's symbols

Leadership: Good Sportsmanship

***Also, I am still looking for parents who would like to gain some volunteer hours by helping serve breakfast for me on Thursday mornings 7:00am-7:30am. And help out with the after school program on Mondays by helping students with their homework 3:45-4:45.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Red Ribbon Week

Get ready for our Red Ribbon Week, its going to be a blast!
Here is the schedule:

Monday - Sock it to Drugs! -- Wear silly socks

Tuesday - We may be silly, but we don't do drugs! -- Silly hair day

Wednesday - Put a cap on drugs! -- Wear your favorite hat

Thursday - Live up to your dreams! -- Wear pajamas to school

Friday - LOVE your drug-free life. -- Wear Red to school

Fun Jog-a-Thon Friday!

 On Friday we had both the Jog-a-Thon and a cupcake party. This picture and the video will show you how much fun we all had!!!!!

Help Wanted=Volunteer Hours

Once a week the teachers have to serve breakfast to the students 7:00-7:30am. If any parents are able to arrive at 7am once a week for a teacher to serve breakfast to allow us to have time to set up and prepare for the day, that would be extremely helpful! I personally serve breakfast on Thursday mornings, if anyone would like to help out in this way, let me know! :)

Also, we teachers have to do after school program two days a week. From about 3:45-4:45pm is when we would need the most help monitoring and helping students with their homework. This would allow us to plan and grade, which would help us to leave work as soon as all the after school students are gone at 5:30pm. To volunteer to help out in the after school program, you would need to be finger printed. The days I have after school program is on Mondays and Fridays. Please contact me if you would be willing to help out once a month, or once a week. Anything would be of GREAT help! Thank you parents for being so willing to help and serve both your teachers and your students! :)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

High Frequency Words

Every morning at the beginning of class, I provide a short morning message for the students. I use this time to explain things like, starting sentences with capital letters, ending sentences with a period, and going over high frequency words (HFW). I always try to incorporate some HFW, especially the ones we are focusing on that week. We read the sentence a few times together and then I give a few students a chance to read the sentence aloud. Then I have students come up and circle any HFW they see in my sentence. Anyways, I tell you this background because a few days ago a student was using a white board during centers and he was using HFW in his sentence. He aked for my help to spell a word then says, "ok Ms. Boyd, so do you see any HFW in my sentence?" "Yes, I do." I answered. "ok, please circle all the HFW you see in my sentence," he proceeds to tell me. This is the type of moment that makes me smile and reminds me why I love students and being a teacher.