Sunday, April 14, 2013

Summer Workbooks

I know that we have a few month until summer, but I am already thinking about it... And of course I am thinking about my kindos and how much they have learned already. But then summer comes... I hope they don't forget!!! SOOO, If you would like to purchase something to work on over the summer for 15-30 minutes a day to keep your student on target for First grade, I found a site that sell them! I highly recommend that you make a specific plan to help keep your student from losing valuable information over the summer. And please plan on reading on a regular basis. If you haven't noticed, your students are really catching on to this whole "reading" thing, so please have them read to you.

Even if you do not purchase these workbooks, please go online to find worksheets for Kindergarten or First grade to work on over the summer!! And please have them practice writing sentences, stories, and/or letters!!