Saturday, January 12, 2013

Scrip/ Don Jose's

Please check your student's homework folder for two upcoming events!

Monday (Jan. 14th)- There is a scrip meeting to help you sign up and learn how to earn money for our school. This will start at 6pm.

Tuesday (Jan. 15th)- Don Jose's fundraiser 3-9pm. Make sure to bring your flyer!

Scholastic Book Club

I will submit our next order the evening of Wednesday January 16th.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

This Week at a Glance Jan. 7- 11

Welcome Back!!! Please continue to work on reading HFW. If your student is able to read all the words, please send a note to school so that we can begin to send home a new list of words to work on. Thank you!

Language Arts- Review letters i, a, s, p, k
                         Comprehension- Realism vs. Fantasy

Writing- Building a story; Beginning, Middle, End

Math- Finishing up Unit on weighing different objects.
           Making number bonds using the number 10. i.e. 3 and 7 make 10, 4 and 6 make 10

Science- Living vs Non-living things

Leadership- Equality, MLK