Sunday, September 30, 2012

Mandarin Class

About 50 students in Kinder through 2nd grade attend my Mandarin class in the afternoons. I will post a few videos that will be helpful to practice their language and yours, if you want to learn also!!!

The first video is a song I have taught the students. They have it down pretty well, but I don't think they understand all of it meaning... However, it is a very simple song.

yi, er, san, si, wu, liu, qi
Wo de peng you zai na li?
My friend is where?
Zai zhe li, zai zhe li
Is here, is here
Wo de peng you zai zhe li
My friend is here

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Kids say the darnest things....

So, today in class a student asked me if I was pregnant. Well, not actually. What he asked was  if I had a kid in there? And I asked, "In where?" Then he pointed to my stomach. I asked him, "does it look like I have a baby in my stomach?" Which he then said, "Yes!" and another student added it, "Yea, you do look like you have a baby in your tummy." After I cried a tear of sadness for myself, I made them move their clips... Just kidding. But man, I guess I need to start exercising more and eating a little better so my students don't start to spread rumors about me being pregnant. Just so you all know, no, I am not pregnant! And of course, these two students were both boys...

Friday, September 14, 2012

Fun and Educational Youtube videos

Here are some useful and fun videos for you to show at home. Students who are still struggling with letter recognition and letter-sound correlation will really benefit from these videos!

This is a similar video with different pictures/words.

ABC's in American Sign Language

I will post more later! Have fun learning!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Day... Success!

Our first day of class was in my opinion, a success! The day went a lot more smoothly than I expected. Of course, we had a few bumps throughout the day; two feel asleep in class, one's belt broke, one student's cheek sadly met the carpet, a few clips were changed, and a some tears were shed. However, I had the opportunity to meet and speak with every student. We learned some important rules from a kitten named Coco. We even had some time to practice saying hello, goodbye, and 1, 2, 3 in Mandarin Chinese. And at the end of the day, each student was successfully picked up by their parents. It was great to meet the students I will be spending a lot of time with over this next school year and I look forward to seeing their growth over throughout the year. One day down, a lot more to come! :)