Friday, December 13, 2013

Important dates and information

Wednesday December 18th is our Christmas performance. It begins at 9:30am and each class will perform, plan on it lasting until about 10:30-11:00am. Please dress your student in a green or red shirt/sweater.

Friday December 20th is our classroom Christmas Party. We will decorate cookies, have a book exchange, and enjoy holiday music together. Please bring a wrapped book for the book exchange. If the book is not gender neutral, please write on it if it is a girl or boy book. You may bring the books earlier in the week and they will be kept in a safe place until the book exchange.

Christmas Break- a homework packet will be sent home for Christmas break. It will look similar to the Thanksgiving packet I sent home during conferences, but it is required and must be return the first day back from break. All students who bring it back on time will get a treat.

Show and Tell- When we get back from break, we will begin show and tell. I will send a schedule of when your child's show and tell date will be. Your child may bring a special toy, stuffed animal, or any object of their choice to show and talk about with the class. If the object is very valuable or alive, I suggest that the parents stay for the first half hour of school so they may take it back home after show and tell is over.